Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Escape from South Korea

'  It wasn't easy to tear ourselves away from the sweet pad Reily set us up in that we had been sprawled in for 3 days in Okpo complete with air conditioning, wi-fi and laundry machine but alas it was time to make our way to Japan.  Easy in comparison to getting to the island; we took a bus that traveled over the new bridge/tunnel back to Busan and we were back to the city in under 2 hours.   Making our way to the ferry terminal proved equally as easy relative to traversing the entire metropolitan area like we had 6 days prior.  We arrived early...and lucky we had as we were required to have a departure ticket from Japan before they would sell us our ferry pass.  We tried to explain that we were on bicycles but they had their orders and the ladies held fast.  The next hour consisted of Chiara and I scouring the interweb, through shoddy wi-fi, for the cheapest but most flexible fares from Japan to Taiwan.  Knowing that we would never be able to know the date we would be leaving we found an airline with no fees for changing tickets and bought two.  Just as the terminal began filling with the nights passengers and space became a premium we finished packing up the bikes and made our way to the boarding area for our 10 hour overnight ferry from Korea to Shimonoseki, Japan.  We had planned on getting dinner but our little misstep consumed all the extra time we alotted so it was too be tuna, crackers, hard boiled eggs and beer for this nights feast.  No matter, the ferry was brilliant...our own bunks, no extra fee for the bikes (because they fold up) and even hot tub/shower areas to use at your leisure.  I, for one, had not felt cleaner and more relaxed on the trip thus far.  In fact it felt like the trip didn't take long enough and we both lamented not having more time to enjoy the comfy beds and quiet time.  All worth it in the end...HELLO JAPAN!


  1. Oh man I'm so exited for you! Japan was such a cool interesting experience for us. I can't wait to hear about your adventures. HELLOOOO hot tubs!! (unless you have tattoos- but being white perhaps no one would say anything because you are obviously no Yakuza. Joey was too nervous to give it a go.)

  2. Hi Chiara and Bruce! Thank you for blogging! It is wonderful to hear of your most excellent adventures!! I will be staying tuned! Gina
