Friday, October 23, 2015


Chiara and I wanted to write a quick apology for all those that have been awaiting the next nail-biting, hard-hitting installment of the non-award winning 'Nothing-so-Familiar' blog.  We have run into a few technical glitches and have not been able to post a large backlog of entries that we have from Taiwan and now Indonesia.  But to answer the question on the minds of everyone and help you sleep at night we would like to say that we have been in Indonesia, specifically East Java for about 2 weeks and we are headed to the island of Bali soon.  We have met some great, great locals, eaten our fair-share of desiel exhaust and unknown meats and played Beer Pong all within a short stretch (turns out little Chiara is quite the Baller at pong!).  Anyway we hope to be back and running soon but you can alo check out the Instagram posts that Chiara has been able to keep up (c.maltese76).  Thank you all for the support and well wishes.  We look forward to sharing with you in person some day soon.

Love Bruce and Chiara


  1. Great to hear the latest update. You have a bunch of people here who begin their conversations with "did you see Chiara's latest blog?" Safe journeys you two!
